2006 – 2019: Background
More than a decade of rope research, a two-year excellence grant by the EXIST Research Transfer Programme of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), years of committee work, as well as comprehensive product tests performed on fatigue bending machines and pilot systems, were the basis for the production of our TROWIS ropes.

Dr. Thorsten Heinze
2006 to 2017:
has been involved in rope research at the TU Chemnitz for 11 years
2012 to 2017:
Head of research at the chair of “Technical textiles – textile machine elements”
Graduated as Dr.-Ing. and received the award of the association of German Machine and Equipment Manufacturers (VDMA) for fatigue-stressed fibre ropes
2017 to 2019:
Project manager in the EXIST Research Transfer Project TROWIS
From 2019 on:
CEO of the TROWIS GmbH
Peter Streubel
2011 to 2016:
has been involved in rope research at the TU Chemnitz for 6 years
2012 to 2016:
Responsible for the test lab for casing extrusion
2013 to 2016:
Project manager in the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) project “SeilEnthese (Rope Synthesis)“ and the Working Group for the Industrial Research Communities (AiF) project entitled “New generation of elevators equipped with fiber ropes“
2017 to 2019:
Process engineer in the EXIST Research Transfer Project TROWIS
From 2019 on:
CTO of the TROWIS GmbH
2018: Move to the Technologie Centrum Chemnitz
TROWIS has been situated in the Technologie Centrum Chemnitz at Annaberger Str. 240, 09125 Chemnitz, since April 2018.

2018: Design of the company logo
The TROWIS logo shows – as a symbol – the rope running over two multiple-grooved pulleys arranged in succession, as in a traction winch. The infinity symbol represents the never-ending opportunities of TROWIS and the many ideas and ropes that result from them.